Sunday, May 30, 2010

Tienne's Research

Tienne sent a picture of the Staeheli family crest or signet (wappen in German) from a book she obtained telling the story of Staeheli's in St. Gallen.  The village, Almensberg, can be seen on Google earth maps and is not far from Egnach, the town of citizenship, and Kuegeliswinden, the village of residence of the parents of Caspar Abert Staeheli (Caspar and Waldburga).  There is no direct link yet confirmed between Jorg and our family but Tienne is reading the book and will report what she finds out.

I am unable to attach the picture to this blog so will send an email with the attachment.

This week has been good for new developments in Staeheli family history.  Tienne received the marriage certificate of Albert and Maria with the names of their parents.  Sharon and her mother will provide information about the descendants of Robert Hermann Staeheli including photos of the homestead and dairy. 

Tienne has received documents from Austria with information about Maria's mother and her mother's brother.  She has contacted a hobby archivist who knows the history of Egnach and who will give us access to his computer when Kathy and I are there to copy photos of Egnach and Kuegeliswinden.  She learned from a county clerk that a book which would help us to know more of Caspar and Waldburga Staeheli and their children (including Caspar Albert) is missing a page.  That page would have the information we are seeking.  She is waiting for more information from the town of Arbon, Switzerland and from Austria.  She is following numerous leads in pursuit of new information of the Staeheli's.  And I just learned from Tienne that the book she received with information about Staeheli's from Almensberg apparently does not pertain to our family.  There are some close relationships but no direct relationships.  Well, even when you don't get the answer you want you learn something useful. 

Tienne thinks that since we are not aligned with the Almensberg Staeheli's we must look in a new direction.  Her father spoke of Staeheli's from Bern.  Perhaps that will become the next line of research for our family.  Tienne is operating as a genealogy detective finding and verifying clues.  It looks like the Staeheli family is much more complicated than we had imagined.  Kathy and I had planned to spend a day at the archive in Frauenfeld with Tienne and a genealogist, however, access may be closed because records are being moved to a new location.  Tienne will confirm that.  We will be flexible about this project and go where we can. 

1 comment:

  1. Tom, the book is about the Almenberg Staehelis from Kanton Thurgau. They originally came from the Kanton of St. Gallen and are related to th Bergli Staehelis. It is well possible that we also come from St. Gallen originally, or it could be Schaffhausen or Bern. The branches are complicated as you see...
