Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Marcel provides new map information showing the Staeheli home in Guebsenmoos

Marcel Mueller, a researcher at the St. Gallen Staatsarchiv has sent a map which was found by Ueli Risch, who has been sorting and documenting the historical records of the Kubel Elektrik powerplant.  The map lists Albert Staeheli as owner of properties number 13 and 16 in Guebsenmoos.  The Staeheli home was on property 13 and on the map is clearly located on the property with the boundary, contour lines and access roads also shown.  Marcel has given me permission to publish photos of the map on the Staeheli website. 

I am grateful to Marcel for his ongoing interest in my family research and his continuing support of this project by providing new information as it becomes available.  A few images are shown here.

Additional information can be found on my post titled A Productive Summer - continued from 2010.

Click on the images for larger views.

Albert Staeheli is listed as owner of properties 13 and 16

This map view shows properties 13 and 16

This map view shows the Staeheli house on property 13

Friday, February 24, 2012

Staeheli Home Photo - New Information

Peter Akermann, a researcher for St. Galler Stadwerke, contacted me last September about an old map of eastern Switzerland.  I had previously seen the map so I responded that I am looking for information about Guebsenmoos and Guebsensee during the construction of the reservoir.  When walking the path around Guebsensee I saw a historical sign with a photo taken during construction of the reservoir showing structures in Guebsenmoos.  The structures, houses and barns, would eventually be flooded as the reservoir filled.

Today I received an email from Peter with a photo he found on the internet showing the same scene as the photo from Jack Staeheli showing the Staeheli house in Guebsenmoos. 

This raises a question about the identity of the house in the photo.  We know the Staeheli house was underwater after the formation of Guebsensee.  The house in the photo is standing with the Guebsensee in the background.  It appears the earth dam at the west end of the reservoir is in place and the reservoir is full.  If that is so then the house in the photo could not have been the Staeheli house in Guebsenmoos. 

More research may confirm this.  Still, the house in the photo could be representative of the style of home the Staeheli's occupied in Guebsenmoos.

My thanks to Peter for researching this photo and providing the information.

To access the website which shows this photo click on this link:

scroll down to the photo.

To learn more about St. Galler Stadwerke go to these links:



Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Contact with David Staeheli

Last September I received an email from David Staeheli.  He is David Tod Staeheli, born in San Bernardino, CA in 1963.  David worked as an auto body repairman for 15 years and has been an insurance adjuster in Snohomish, WA for the past 15 years.

David's father is Jack Leroy Staeheli and his mother is Hanna Rebecca Pendleton.  His grandfather was Harry Staeheli and great grandfather was Caspar Staeheli, son of Caspar Albert Staeheli.

David's children are Jeremy Tod, Mikayla Ann and Ashley Noel.  His wife is Sheila Diane (Lanning) Staeheli.

Jeremy and his wife Amber are expecting their first child.  Mikayla has a daughter, Aliyah. 

I have forwarded David's family information to Tienne Staeheli who is maintaining a family tree.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Contact with Stacy Pettitt

Today I spoke with Stacy Pettitt who lives in Pullman with her husband, Steven and their children Riley and Reece.  Stacy is the only child of Claudia (Staeheli) and Lawrence Rayburn.  Her parents are from Colville and moved to Spokane where Stacy was raised.  Stacey graduated from Mead High School in 1992, Gonzaga in 1996 and EWU in 2002.  She claims to be a WSU Cougar fan now.

Stacy's mother, Claudia is the only child of Lester "Babe" Staeheli and Gladys Holst.  Lester was a son of Robert "Bob" and Rose Staeheli.  Lester and his brother Robert Carl Staeheli had the Staeheli Creamery in Colville.  Gladys is 87 and still lives in Colville.

Stacey remembers seeing her great grandmother, Rose, and has fond memories of the time she was with her.

Stacey values our family history and has agreed to provide information she has and that she may collect when sorting through family documents and photos.  I am grateful for Stacy's interest and willingness to add to our story about the descendants of Bob and Rose Staeheli.