Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Staeheli Family Dinner

J'Nene Staeheli-Boland is sponsoring a Staeheli dinner in Everett, WA from 6 PM until 9 PM on Saturday, July 11.

Details here -


Hannah Jaeger Wedding in Australia

Recently I received photos from Ian and Catherine Jaeger of their daughter, Hannah's, wedding to Jordan, from New Zealand, on March 15.  They were married in Australia.

Photos may be seen here -



Friday, January 23, 2015

Den Dempsey Continues to Improve

January 16, 2015
Den began work at Provail this week. It is an organization that helps people with disabilities. He has computer classes - his teacher said he was excellent !   And he is experimenting with communication devices that will help him. He is really working hard. Irene bought a recumbent cross trainer for him and he is enjoying a new workout on it every day.

Irene has been trying to find a diet that is fat free, calorie intensive and blendable. Not easy to find !  It turns out that Den has GERD and needs a fat free diet.  The blended food is working much better than the canned formula but now weight is a problem.

Den's court date is Jan. 30th when his petition to end the guardianship will be decided. Keep you fingers crossed for him. He really wants to be his own boss. The physical limitations are hard enough for him to accept - he wants at least to control the material things he has worked so hard for all these years.

Irene is looking forward to spring because she has ordered roses to make a rose garden. She is a great lover of roses. The deck is a project for spring as well.

Sam continues to be the best aide ever ! he is Den's best pal and workout trainer. Such a wonderful companion and friend.

Please do come to see us when you can. We love company.
Irene and Den