Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Den Dempsey Update

I have received several updates about Den Dempsey from Irene Dempsey and this is the most recent -

It has taken a while and two court petitions, but it looks as if we may move to Den's house on Federal Ave. The first petition was granted in August, but the guardian countered and said we could not move. Den petitioned again and it was granted pending fiscal study. Yesterday, I think, the court said we can move. This legal language is confusing to me.

Anyway, I will keep you posted. If I read the order correctly, we may move at the end of the month. I'll send photos after the move, but on this message I will attach a photo of Den on the deck of that house with his aide.

Den is on the waiting list for a ACD, augmented communication device. That will interpret his speech so everyone can understand him. It will be  great boon to him. He loves to visit and talk and right now it is difficult. We attended his high school (Blanchet) reunion this month and he loved seeing old friends and talked a lot to them. Though most had trouble understanding him, everyone was patient and friendly and he loved it. His only regret was that he still cannot swallow so could not share all the good food.

He is still on the feeding tube, but I have foregone the prepared formula cans and have started blending "real" food for him. It is a challenge for me that I really enjoy. I'm learning lots about nutrition and foods. I bought a good quality blender and I'm having fun making up each day's menu for him.

We went up to Camano Island and had a lovely afternoon playing cards with very dear friends there - and Den won the game with five of us playing and trying to win.  He's a shrewd card player.
His therapy is going well and he is regaining the use of his left leg and arm. The progress is not a fast as he would like but it is in the right direction.

Please keep us in your "friends" list and let us hear from you.
​If and when we are in the new abode we will invite you all to a house warming.
Love to all, Irene and Den

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