Monday, July 15, 2013

Den Dempsey Update of July 13 by Irene Dempsey

Den has been moved to Everett.  He is at 1919 112th SW.  He has a good therapy team and he's making tiny steps forward. It will be months, but I will bring him home as soon as he is able.

When he's home we'll have a party and invite all of you to welcome him back from this very long and difficult journey.  The first big step is to get the trach out so he can talk. The speech therapist believes it may happen within a couple weeks. I'll miss some of his facials though.

Right now when I'm trying to guess what he's indicating and I guess wrong, he rolls his eyes as if to say,  "How dumb can she be?!", and it's such a funny expression. 

It's nice that I have absolutely nothing to do now but be with him.  I spend every day at the rehab center and I'm learning a lot. The staff there is so great - patient and good humored. Wonderful people.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Den Dempsey Update for July 6 by Irene Dempsey

Den is now doing too well to be in a hospital and will be moved in a few days to a Rehab Facility in Everett.  I'll let you know when and where.

He is working hard with therapists and it's a slow road, but he is up to it.  He voiced some words yesterday with the cap on the trach. We go our every day in the wheel chair and I take him for a walk - the weather has been so beautiful ! 

And Zada can walk with us and sit with us in the courtyard. She is allowed inside, but she doesn't like the smell of the hospital. It will months of relearning and building muscles, but I am hopeful of a good recovery. 

I spend every day all day with him and am learning all the things I need to know to care for him when we get home again. I send to all of you my sincerest thanks for your concern and good wishes, and much love from Den and me. 