Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Staeheli Reunion

Tienne is considering visiting the United States next year (2011) and would like to be included in a Staeheli family reunion.  Likely this would take place in the Seattle/Tacoma area.  I am looking for comments on this blog either supporting this reunion, suggesting an alternative or perhaps offering to assist with planning.  And the first Staeheli to reply is...

A Meeting With Jack

Yesterday, Jack L. Staeheli from Tieton, Washington came to my home with documents about the Staeheli's in Switzerland.  Jack was on business he does in Kennewick routinely as an insurance adjuster.  He has been to Switzerland three times and in 1981 and 1986 had requested documents from the courthouse in St. Gallen.  Jack's research from 25 years ago provided some details of Caspar Albert's parents and siblings.  It also confirmed there were two Staeheli daughters who had died very young which affirms there had been 16 Staeheli children.

Since the primary goal of my research this coming July in Switzerland was to learn about Caspar Albert's parents and this has already been done, I will redirect my inquiries to go back still another generation.  Jack's documents take the Staeheli's back to the birth of Kaspar Staeheli in 1819 and Jack believes there is information going back to the 1700's.

Tienne is using Jack's documents to continue our search backwards.  From her home in Switzerland she is capable of effectively requesting access to documents which has been advancing our work rapidly.  Tienne has made progress with Staeheli's and the Riml's from Austria.

I am indebted to both Tienne and Jack for their interest and support for this project.  I enjoyed meeting Jack yesterday and we had a good conversation about the past and present.  Jack and his wife, Lynne, are world travellers who recently spent two weeks in Africa in five countries.  They saw many animals in the wild on Safari and were awed by the splendor of Victoria Falls.  Jack and Lynne are planning future trips to the Mediterranean and possibly Egypt and back to Switzerland.

Jack and I discussed the possibility of hosting a Staeheli family reunion next summer.  We agree this would be a worthwhile event.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

More Staeheli Contacts

I called Jack E. Staeheli, age 91, in Ephrata, Washington because I had been given his name as a Staeheli who would know about the family.  I left a message and received a call back from Sharon Hansen who is married to Frank Hansen.  They just moved from Western Washington into Jack's home.  Jack suffered a heart attack and is now in a nursing facility and Sharon and Frank are directing his care.  Sharon is Jack's daughter and Jack is the son of Caspar Hermann (Cap) Staeheli, one of the immigrant's from 1899.  Sharon's mother is Thelma Marie Nail, now 89, who has been married to Jack for 63 years. 

Sharon has family information to share and recommended I also contact her cousin, Jack L. Staeheli who lives in Entiat, just west of Yakima.  Jack L. is reputed to have documents of the Staeheli's.  I emailed Jack L. and had a reply from him when I checked my computer this evening.  He has travelled to Switzerland and Austria collecting documents.  Jack has visited with descendants of the Riml's in Austria.  He has a picture of the Staeheli family home in Gubsenmoos which was published in an encyclopedia in Switzerland.  What a find!  Jack is willing to share his information to be published on the website which certainly will add to the story of the Staeheli's.

Through Facebook I made contact with Jerry Staeheli of Post Falls, Idaho.  Jerry also recommended I contact Jack L. Staeheli.  My circle of relatives is expanding.